Spielbox (10/2016)

Articoli su rivista

Titolo articolo Giochi trattati Pagina Autore Tipo articolo Giudizio
Inserto: Minument Valley World Monuments 0 Gioco o Inserto
Inserto : The 10th Castle Touria : The 10th Castle Door 0 Consigli di gioco
Editoriale : Not for the Hedonist 1 Conrad Christwart Articolo di carattere generale
Deutscher Spielpreis 2016 4 Hardel Mathias Articolo di carattere generale
Green Rails Via Nebula 6 Ducksch Stefan Recensione dettagliata A
A Capuchin Monkey in the Hand or ... Costa Rica 12 Ducksch Stefan Recensione dettagliata C
it's tought to be good in both Markets at the same time Automania 14 How Alan Recensione dettagliata B
Brick by brick the house will be finished quick World Monuments 18 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Recensione dettagliata C
Melee on the merry-go-round Race to the North Pole 20 Riemenschneider Frank Recensione dettagliata C
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Greedy Greedy Goblins 22 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Ice Cool 23 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Vikings on Board 24 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Kingdomino 24 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Codenames: Pictures 24 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Habitats 25 Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Great Western Trail 25 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Feast for Odin 26 Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Tiefe Taschen 26 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Carcassonne ATW03: Amazonas 27 Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Oracle of Delphi (The) 27 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) First Class 28 Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Golden Sails (The) 28 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Master of Orion : The Boardgame 28 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Come to Fishing Village 29 Dagger Stuart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Garden of Minions 29 Dagger Stuart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) List und Tucke 30 Ducksch Stefan Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Fight for Olympus (The) 30 Bartsch Udo Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Cohort (The) 31 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Raptor 31 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) City of Spies : Estoril 1942 32 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Agamemnon 33 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Elements 33 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Million Club 34 Conrad Christwart Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Kepler 3042 34 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Baumeister des Colosseums (Die) 35 Ducksch Stefan Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Tempel des Schreckens 35 Ducksch Stefan Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) North American Railways 36 Ducksch Stefan Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Railroad Revolution 36 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Solarius Mission 36 Ducksch Stefan Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Hellas (WGG) 37 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve
Spiel '16 - New Arrivals (Part 1) Star Trek : Frontiers 37 Hardel Mathias Recensione breve
About 503 too many 504 38 Hardel Mathias Recensione dettagliata D
Report: Getting Out 40 Cornett Gunter Articolo di carattere generale
To be continued Cacao: Cioccolato 43 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione
Smaller pleasures prevail Lanterns : The Harvest Festival 44 Pelek Roman Recensione dettagliata D
My Turn : The Center of it all 46 Whitehill Bruce Articolo di carattere generale
Diplomacy is not an option Forbidden Stars 48 Staber Matthias Recensione dettagliata B
Where is America and, if so, how many ? Nina & Pinta 50 Dagger Stuart Recensione dettagliata B
Background: Steve Kendall about Nina & Pinta 53 Interviste o report di Convention
Portrait : Marco Teubner 54 Wieland Herold Interviste o report di Convention
For Kids : Freddy's Colors 56 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Master Fox 56 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Silly Shenanigans 57 Wieland Herold Recensione breve
For Kids : Spring ins Feld! 58 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
For Kids : Bauboom 58 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve
At a Glance Imagine 59 Ducksch Stefan Recensione breve C
At a Glance Gauner Raus 60 Schrapers Harald Recensione breve C
At a Glance Shiftago 61 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Recensione breve C
Short Notes : Harald Bilz dead 62 Hardel Mathias Articolo di carattere generale
Tailor-Made 63 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Articolo di carattere generale
An Accuracy of 120% 63 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Articolo di carattere generale
Tweaks and Variations : World Monuments - Escape from the cycle trap 64 Conrad Christwart Varianti o Modifiche
Tweaks and Variations : Terraforming Mars - Two variants for solo play 64 Hardel Mathias Varianti o Modifiche


Tauria World Monuments

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