Spielbox (7/2018)

Reviews on magazine

Title Evaluated games Page Writer Type Evaluation
Editoriale: Trading Commodities vs Empathy 1 Hardel Mathias General purpose article
Unintentionally enciphered Decrypto 4 Ducksch Stefan Detailed review B
Keen for the Queen Queendomino 6 Bartsch Udo Detailed review C
Nothing for the cleaning staff Menara 8 Wieland Herold Detailed review C
Interview: Oliver Richtberg (Menara) 10 Hardel Mathias Interviews or reports
Little Red rRding Hood in Danger Woodlands 12 Ducksch Stefan Detailed review C
Ring-a-ring-a-roses around the Campfire Nomads 14 Schrapers Harald Detailed review D
Speeding up halway through Transatlantic 16 Pelek Roman Detailed review C
Portrait: Wolfgang Warsch (autore di giochi) 18 Wieland Herold Interviews or reports
Early retirement pays off Santa Maria 20 How Alan Detailed review C
In another league Feuville 22 Ruschitzka Edwin Detailed review D
All the shiny money Hannibal & Hamilcar 24 Hardel Mathias Detailed review
A problem with problems Ta-Ke 28 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) Play example B
Cannes: 32nd Game Festival 30 Interviews or reports
To be continued Flamme Rouge: Peloton 35 Klein Christian Review C
In search for a new World Exodus Fleet 36 How Alan Detailed review B
Pure Joy of Thinking: Remarkable releases 38 L.U.Dikus (Jochen Corts) General purpose article
Hackmg and slashing 878: Vikings - Invasione dell'Inghilterra 40 Burtt John Detailed review A
To be continued Splendor: Cities of Splendor 43 Conrad Christwart Review B
Costly minorities Startups 44 Klein Christian Detailed review B
Oldie Money Spinner Game 46 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Review
Kids: Hello Dino 48 Wieland Herold Short review
Kids: SOS Dino 48 Wieland Herold Short review
Kids: Mein cooles Dino-Spiel 49 Wieland Herold Short review
Kids: Tricky Wave 50 Reil Katrin Short review
Kids: Burg Kletterfrosch 50 Reil Katrin Short review
At a glance Minute Realms 51 KMW (Knut Michael Wolf) Short review C
At a glance That's a Question 52 Bartsch Udo Review D
At a glance Dackel Drauf! 53 Wieland Herold Short review C
At a glance Krass Kariert 54 Conrad Christwart Review B
Short Notes: SdJ 2018 - Nominées 55 News
Short notes: "Loing LIne" party location in Berlin 55 General purpose article
Tweaks and Variations: Several birds with one stone Krass Kariert 56 Conrad Christwart Variants or Modifications
Tweaks and Variations: Explosive right from the start Startups 56 Conrad Christwart Variants or Modifications
Tweaks and Variations: Set-up more deliberate than random Montana 56 Conrad Christwart Variants or Modifications

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