Basket Boss (2009)
My evaluation:
Designer: Van Moorsel Corné
Artist: Tisch Christof
Edited by: Cwali
Number of players: 2 - 5
Plying time: 60 minutes
Users: Da 10 anni
Ambient: Gestione Squadre di basket
Categorie: Sport
Mechanics: Combinations-Line up
Motor: Auctions
Components: See the components
Graphics: 6
Rules: 7
Pleasure: 6
Luck: 1
Complexity: 3
BGG rating:
Voto: 6.46
Votes: 652
Ranking: #5112
Rating on Magazine
Ilsa: N.A.
Plato: N.A.
Spielbox: D
Win Magazine: N.A.

Reviews on magazines:

Magazine Number Year Title Page Writer Type
ILSA Magazine 07 2009 Anteprima 26 Sarcinelli Francesco Recensione breve
Spielbox 2010/4 2010 At a glance 51 Klein Christian Recensione breve

Readers' comments

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